Welcome to Mobilyze

We aim to take your existing website and make it mobile friendly for better Google ranking and creating a better user environment for your clients.

Facts of Responsive

Google Ranking

Google are now rewarding mobile-friendly website with better ranking on Google Search.

Mobile Traffic

Mobile traffic to website has increased by 125% over the past 2 years.

Online Purchases

Around 66% of the time spent on online retailers is done through smartphones. That is the great advantages of having a mobile friendly website

Features of Mobile Friendly

Google Ranking

Turning your site into a mobile friendly website will increase your Google Ranking above your competitors as most Google searches are performed on mobile devices

User Friendly

Making your website mobile friendly gives your users and potential customers the ability to navigate your website and get all the information they require on the fly.

Client Base

As your rankings on Google search climbs, the bigger your client base will become as your website is more convenient to use and gives the client the idea that your company will go any length to improve client satisfaction.

One Small Step

Making your website mobile friendly is just one step closer to growing your business to new heights.


Some of our builds
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